Meadow Surprises – Class 7 English NCERT Solutions
Explore the solutions for “Meadow Surprises,” Class 7 English NCERT. This beautiful poem teaches children about the wonders of nature and the importance of observation. It encourages young minds to develop patience, keen observation skills, and appreciation for the small miracles that happen around us every day in nature.
Summary of the Poem (English)
The poem “Meadow Surprises” is a delightful exploration of the hidden wonders found in a meadow. The poet takes us on a journey through a natural landscape, pointing out various surprises that await those who observe carefully. From butterflies sipping nectar to rabbits hiding in plain sight, from dandelions transforming into parachutes to ant mounds and bird nests, the poem reveals that nature is full of fascinating discoveries for those who take the time to look and listen carefully.
कविता का सारांश (Hindi)
कविता “मेडो सरप्राइजेज” घास के मैदान में छिपे अद्भुत चमत्कारों की एक सुंदर खोज है। कवि हमें प्राकृतिक परिदृश्य की यात्रा पर ले जाता है, जहाँ वह उन विभिन्न आश्चर्यों की ओर इशारा करता है जो सावधानी से देखने वालों का इंतजार करते हैं। फूलों से रस पीती तितलियों से लेकर छिपे हुए खरगोशों तक, हवा में उड़ते डैंडेलियन के फूलों से लेकर चींटियों के घर और पक्षियों के घोंसलों तक, कविता दर्शाती है कि प्रकृति उन लोगों के लिए रोचक खोजों से भरी हुई है जो देखने और सुनने के लिए समय निकालते हैं।
Word Meanings
Sl | English Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1 | Meadow | घास का मैदान | A field of grass and wildflowers |
2 | Velvet | मखमली | A soft, smooth fabric or texture |
3 | Brook | छोटी नदी | A small stream of water |
4 | Buttercup | एक पीला फूल | A small yellow wildflower |
5 | Nectar | मकरंद | Sweet liquid produced by flowers |
6 | Dandelion | एक प्रकार का फूल | A yellow flower that turns into white fluffy seeds |
7 | Fuzzy | रोएंदार | Covered with soft, light hair or fluff |
8 | Parachutes | पैराशूट | Light, floating seed structures |
9 | Flutter | फड़फड़ाना | To move or fly with quick, light movements |
10 | Burrow | मांद | A hole or tunnel dug by an animal |
11 | Mound | टीला | A small hill or pile of earth |
12 | Keen | तीक्ष्ण | Sharp, alert, observant |
13 | Discover | खोजना | To find something for the first time |
14 | Unfold | खोलना | To open or spread out |
15 | Explore | छानबीन करना | To investigate or examine thoroughly |
Working with the Poem
1. Which line in the poem suggests that you need a keen eye and a sharp ear to enjoy a meadow? Read aloud the stanza that contains this line.
The last stanza of the poem contains the line that suggests the need for keen observation and good listening skills to enjoy a meadow. Here’s the complete stanza:
Oh! Meadows have surprises
And many things to tell;
You may discover these yourself,
If you look and listen well.
The line “If you look and listen well” specifically tells us that we need to be observant and attentive to discover the meadow’s surprises.
2. Find pictures of the kinds of birds, insects and scenes mentioned in the poem.
As a student, I would collect pictures of the following things mentioned in the poem:
- A colorful butterfly resting on a yellow buttercup flower
- A rabbit hiding in the grass
- A dandelion flower – both in its golden yellow stage and when it turns into white fluffy seeds
- An ant’s mound showing their impressive architectural skills
- A bird’s nest hidden in tall grass
- A peaceful meadow scene with a small brook running through it
3. Watch a tree or a plant, or walk across a field or park at the same time every day for a week. Keep a diary of what you see and hear. At the end of the week, write a short paragraph or a poem about your experiences.
As a student, here’s my diary entry after observing a neem tree in my neighborhood park for a week:
My Week with the Neem Tree
Monday: Noticed three squirrels playing on the branches. Their chirping sounds filled the morning air.
Tuesday: Saw a family of sparrows building a nest in the upper branches.
Wednesday: Observed how the leaves dance in the morning breeze. The shadows they create are beautiful.
Thursday: Found tiny flower buds appearing on some branches.
Friday: Watched butterflies visiting the newly opened flowers.
Saturday: Discovered a trail of ants going up and down the trunk.
Sunday: Saw how the tree provides shade to elderly people who rest beneath it.
My Poem: The Giving Tree
Standing tall in morning light,
Home to creatures small and bright.
Sparrows, squirrels, and busy bees,
Nature’s magic in this tree.
Dancing leaves and gentle shade,
What a wonderful home you’ve made!
4. Read the following poem about the world of nature, which is as busy as the world of human beings.
After reading the poem “Busy World,” I notice how beautifully it captures the constant activity in nature. Just like humans are always busy with their work, nature too is full of continuous movement and life. The bees buzz, frogs hop, moles dig, and nothing stops – it’s a perfect description of the endless cycles of nature. The poem shows us that nature is always working, growing, and changing, just like our human world.
5. Read the lines in which the following phrases occur. Then discuss with your partner the meaning of each phrase in its context.
(i) velvet grass
The phrase appears in “Walk softly through the velvet grass.” Here, ‘velvet grass’ is a beautiful metaphor comparing the soft, smooth texture of grass to velvet fabric. When we walk barefoot on grass, it indeed feels as soft and smooth as velvet.
(ii) drinking straws
Found in “And unfold its drinking straws To sip the nectar up.” This is a creative way to describe a butterfly’s proboscis – the long, tube-like structure it uses to drink nectar from flowers. The poet compares it to a drinking straw because it serves the same purpose – sipping up liquid.
(iii) meadow houses
The line “Explore the meadow houses” refers to all the different homes that creatures make in a meadow. This includes rabbit burrows, ant mounds, and bird nests. It shows how a meadow is like a busy neighborhood for various animals.
(iv) amazing mound
“The ant’s amazing mound” describes the anthill. It’s called ‘amazing’ because ants create these complex structures with multiple tunnels and chambers, showing remarkable engineering skills despite their tiny size.
(v) fuzzy head
“A dandelion whose fuzzy head” refers to the soft, feathery appearance of a dandelion flower after it has turned from yellow to white. These fuzzy heads contain seeds that float away like tiny parachutes when blown by the wind or a child’s breath.