Night – Class 3 English NCERT Solutions
Explore the solutions for “Night,” Class 3 English NCERT. This beautiful poem teaches children about day and night cycles, helping them understand natural phenomena and encouraging curiosity about the world around them.
Summary in English
The poem “Night” is a lovely description of the day-night cycle. It starts with a child wondering where the sun goes at night. The poem explains how the sun sets behind distant hills, making the world dark and quiet. The child then goes to sleep until dawn breaks. When they wake up in the morning, they find the sun shining brightly again. The poem beautifully captures a child’s curiosity about natural phenomena.
हिंदी में सारांश
कविता “Night” दिन और रात के चक्र का एक सुंदर वर्णन है। यह एक बच्चे की जिज्ञासा से शुरू होती है जो सोचता है कि रात को सूरज कहाँ जाता है। कविता बताती है कि कैसे सूरज दूर की पहाड़ियों के पीछे छिप जाता है, जिससे दुनिया अंधेरी और शांत हो जाती है। फिर बच्चा सो जाता है जब तक सुबह नहीं होती। जब वह सुबह जागता है, तो देखता है कि सूरज फिर से चमक रहा है। यह कविता प्राकृतिक घटनाओं के बारे में बच्चों की जिज्ञासा को बखूबी दर्शाती है।
Word Meanings
Sl | English Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1 | Wonder | आश्चर्य करना | To think about something with curiosity |
2 | Distant | दूर का | Far away |
3 | Peep | झाँकना | To look quickly and secretly |
4 | Bright | चमकीला | Full of light |
5 | Sink | डूबना | To go down slowly |
6 | Hill | पहाड़ी | A raised area of land |
7 | Still | स्थिर | Not moving; quiet |
8 | Shine | चमकना | To give out light |
9 | Dawn | सुबह | Beginning of the day |
10 | Dark | अंधेरा | Without light |
11 | Sleep | नींद | Rest with eyes closed |
12 | Begin | शुरू होना | To start |
13 | Open | खुलना | To unclose |
14 | Storm | तूफान | Bad weather with strong winds |
15 | Rainbow | इंद्रधनुष | Colored arc in the sky |
Let us think
A. Answer the following
1. Where does the Sun go after the end of the day?
After the end of the day, the sun sinks behind distant hills. While it appears to go down, the Earth actually rotates, making it seem like the sun is setting. This makes our world grow dark and still as night approaches.
2. Which among the following needs the Sun? Why?
Among the given options, these need the sun:
- Sunflower: Needs sunlight for photosynthesis and follows the sun’s movement
- Plants: Need sunlight to make their food through photosynthesis
- Children: Need sunlight for Vitamin D and healthy growth
Things that don’t need the sun:
- Toys: These are non-living things
- Table: This is a non-living object
3. The poem talks about the Sun in the sky. What else do you see when you look up at the sky?
When we look up at the sky, we can see many things:
- During daytime: Clouds, birds, rainbows, airplanes
- During night time: Moon, stars, planets
- During weather changes: Dark clouds, lightning, rain
Think and answer
1. What different colours do we get to see during sunrise and sunset?
During sunrise and sunset, we see beautiful colors in the sky:
- Orange and golden rays of the sun
- Pink and purple clouds
- Red and yellow streaks across the sky
- Beautiful shades of blue blending with other colors
2. What do you see when you look at the sky at night?
At night, the sky shows us many wonderful things:
- Thousands of twinkling stars
- The bright moon in different shapes
- Sometimes planets that look like bright stars
- Dark clouds moving across the sky
3. How do you feel when you open your eyes in the morning?
When I open my eyes in the morning, I feel:
- Fresh and energetic
- Happy to see the bright sunlight
- Ready to start a new day
- Excited about going to school and meeting friends
4. Imagine a day when the Sun doesn’t come out. Talk about how the day would be.
A day without the sun would be very different:
- It would be dark and cold throughout the day
- Plants would not be able to make their food
- We would need lights on all the time
- Children couldn’t play outside easily
- We would miss the warmth and brightness of sunlight
- It would feel gloomy and less energetic
Let us learn
A. Read the following words and circle the words that are found in the sky:
Words found in the sky:
- Stars
- Storm
- Sun
- Moon
- Rain
- Clouds
- Rainbow
B. Add ‘Sun’ to the following words to make new words:
- Sunlight (given as example)
- Sunflower
- Sunrays
- Sunset
- Sunrise
- Sunglasses
- Sunday